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 Start  the file called ZShell from Workbench or CLI (SHELL), or even
better: Put the file ZShell in the C: directory and start the file ZSH.
Now press the HELP key. Among lots of other information you see "TYPE HELP
? ...". Make sure that ZShell.doc is in the  current directory  or in S:
and try that. You will see how to use the  ONLINE HELP . Try to type
"HELP HISTORY" to see how  command line editing  works.  Execute  the
example startup file "ZStart" or  put  it into the S: drawer and
 have a look  at it.
Please send  me  your comment;  my  Internet-Adress is: (Martin Gierich).

Click & Play buttons:
Normal start      ->  ZShell 
Showing help      ->  ZShell -cHELP 
Try ZStart-script ->  ZShell -sZStart 
Directory lister  ->  ZShell -cLIST 

Things somewhere hidden in the documentation:
* To avoid using an internal command or an alias, you can put a point
  before it, eg. ".list libs:".
* To  complete  a filename, type in a bit then press TAB.
* If you use "config hide *.info", DIR and Filenamecompletion ignore Icons.
* To start buffering output, use "review 20000"; press Shift+TAB to see it.
  With it you can use ">m" to  redirect  to MORE, a bit like piping to MORE.
* If you have OS3.0+, try "config colour 01111111".
*  Aliases  work different to them in normal Shell.
* Use "prompt %n.%p>" to get a full path prompt with process number.
* See  FLAGS  on how to configure some things you need.
  With "flags icon on" you can switch on Iconifying.
* Try "flags debug on" to debug your script-files and your aliases.
* Try to drag Workbench-Icons into the ZShell window
* See  Features  and  Tips and Hints  for more.